Thursday, November 7, 2013


If you are looking for a beautiful, decadent and festive cake - this is it! My raw vegan MOON AND THE STARS CAKE. I made it in honor to winter, shorter days and darker nights. I love to watch the stars during clear nights and the atmosphere full moon is creating.

This cake is amazing! It tastes like heaven and could be your Thanksgiving or Christmas cake! It is so pretty, I have no words.. But I show you more pictures :)

Is your mouth watering yet?
This is actually the first raw vegan cheesecake I made and I am pretty amazed! This cake is creamy, rich, full of flavor and all that gorgeousness without preserving agents, chemicals, dyes and so on. Why should I eat it any other way?
This cake will convince all the people who keep asking you: when do you eat real food? This IS real food, this is as good as it could possibly be. Make that cake. Taste it. Believe it.

9 inch spring form

1 cup almond flour (approx 2 cups almonds)
1 cup pitted dates
1/3 cup unsweetend, shredded coconut

3 cups cashews, soaked for 1 h
juice of 3 lemons
2 T sweetener, I used agave syrup
1 t vanilla extract
3/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup water, as needed
2 T raw cacao

For the base, pulse almonds to flour, add dates and pulse until gooey. Cover bottom of spring form with coconut. Form dough into a ball and press into bottom of spring form. Freeze until needed.
For the filling, blend cashews, lemon juice, sweetener, vanilla, coconut oil and water. Only add water if needed. You want a thick, creamy mass. Spoon mass into two small bowls. Add cacao to one and mix until dark color. Spoon mass onto the cake bottom. Use a tablespoon and alternate between white and dark filling creating neighbouring light and dark spots. After one layer is complete, use a knife or thin stick to create pattern. Continue with a second layer. Do the same ;) 
Freeze cake until solid (over night is best). Next day decorate with moon and stars using left over white filling. Thaw in fridge for 1 hour before eating.
Keeps in fridge for 5 days and in freezer over one week. Or until you start eating it ;)

Enjoy this special cake with someone special!


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